
The epidermis is the outermost layer of the skin, serving as a protective barrier against the environment. Comprised of multiple sub-layers, it plays a crucial role in regulating water loss and protecting the body from external threats such as bacteria and UV radiation.

More about Epidermis

The epidermis is the topmost layer of the skin, consisting of four sub-layers: the stratum corneum, stratum lucidum, stratum granulosum, and stratum basale. It is primarily composed of keratinocytes, which continuously shed and renew. Additionally, the epidermis contains melanocytes responsible for producing melanin, providing protection against UV radiation. The epidermis also houses Langerhans cells, which contribute to the skin's immune function.

Key functions of the epidermis include preventing water loss, regulating body temperature, and protecting against environmental factors. The epidermis is constantly renewing itself through a process called desquamation, where old skin cells are shed and replaced by new ones. Proper skincare routines can help maintain the health and integrity of the epidermis.

  • Stratum corneum: Outermost layer, composed of dead keratinocytes
  • Stratum lucidum: Thin, translucent layer found in thick skin areas
  • Stratum granulosum: Layer where keratinization begins
  • Stratum basale: Deepest layer, containing actively dividing cells